Tuesday, May 14, 2013


     Empathy overwhelms everyday life. Just the sight of someone begging for sustenance creates scenarios about how they got to where they are and emotions take me over. The desire to lend my couch and shower, to help them find hope, livelihood and happiness once more, penetrates my entire being. Then a concrete wave of reality hits me and I sadly realize I can't. Without the means, safety, or room for all those I would like to help, I'm at a loss.

     I remind myself that we've all failed them, the defeat is not mine alone, that we are all responsible for their suffering. The media, government, greed, selfishness, image. We care more about getting ahead and providing a good life for ourselves and those we are personally responsible for. When in reality we are all personally responsible for every living thing on this planet we call home.

    Volunteering is not enough when so few do it, the impact of one is so small compared to the impact of many. Too many label these people as con-men, lazy, mentally unfit. They are you, and me in different circumstances. They need a warm smile, friendly conversation, food to eat, connection.

     That is not where our selfishness ends. Every living thing is you, is me--in another. When we treat animals as less than us, when we neglect our pets, our parents, grandparents, friends, strangers. We are neglecting the essence of existence. We are dismissing the only thing in which we can truly make a meaningful difference. We are lending ourselves to drown in the downward spiral of society, government, and media driven ignorance and greed.

     Attach yourselves to what really matters.

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