Saturday, January 12, 2013

Missing You

A letter was drafted, that will never meet your eyes. Words of pain at your absence. More than anything I miss our friendship. Our long conversations about every topic there is. Laughing at the most ridiculous things and knowing how to help each other when the days were difficult. Always trying to make things better for the each other and being acutely aware of each other's feelings. 

The person I wanted to tell every little detail of my day. The first person I thought of every time I awoke, the same one I would dream about most nights. The person who I wanted to be the best Me I could be for. 

Life lost meaning when you fell permanently asleep. It still hasn't regained much. It's hard to lose the one you love and your best friend in the same moment. Literally no one to talk to and the one I really wanted to hold me while the tears fell was the one they were falling over. 

You had become everything and I've yet to figure out how to really cope. It just feels as though there is no purpose to life. When the bustle of everyday life came to a halt I realized exactly how much raw emotion I've been hiding from. I'm not sure if I'll ever really be okay, but I'm working on it.

I'll always love you.

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