Saturday, January 26, 2013


The human body- an amazing organism that many of us don't take care of the way that we should. Capable of truly awesome feats and yet we fill it with things that hurt or don't provide it with the nourishment it is designed to run off of. We selfishly devour things that entice our taste-buds and do little for the organism that keeps our consciousness in full functioning order. Here in the states we over fuel it with things that do no good while we sit on our asses and don't keep it in a healthy state of existence in which it could do so much more for us. It seems that the majority are on both extremes of bad care habits for ourselves. We either starve ourselves and work ourselves to hard to reach unattainable and unhealthy images to match what we see in the media or we gorge ourselves and over do it, giving in to the outrageous portion sizes we've come to see as normal avoiding the gym because we're embarrassed about our bodies. Sickly, healthy, or grossly out of proportion our bodies are beautiful organisms that we should love, cherish and never be embarrassed about. We hold in ourselves the knowledge of how to care for our specific needs and get to our healthiest image. You should never be embarrassed of trying to better yourself, it is something so many of us are too consumed with the frivolous to actually try to attain.

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