Saturday, December 15, 2012


I have never had a true sanctuary in a home or place of residence, I've always had it in my transportation. In there, even with the windows and cramped space. I hold the key, I know where everything is and I know when it has been tampered with. I can cry, curse, and develop thoughts uninterrupted. I can be completely alone or choose the company I keep.
Invasion of privacy is something that really irritates me more than most things. I cannot understand why people, roommates and family alike, think it's okay to rustle through personal belongings. It just doesn't make sense to me how that would, in any way, be considered okay. Reading personal journals, stealing personal items under the premise of borrowing but with no intention of giving them back. It just makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever.
It is possibly my biggest pet peeve and a huge reason why I think I will have to live alone. I can't stand the idea of someone going through my personal things anymore. I have and would like to keep some secrets.

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