Sunday, December 30, 2012


It's hard to see the world through a positive light when you're constantly being forced into a negative perspective. Seeing even scary or "bad" situations as things that produced learning and understanding. Experiences that gave new insight and then hearing how people are evil, how I need to protect myself by hiding away in safe places, how the world is an awful place. I feel as though the world could never truly be an awful place. That people have tendencies brought about by human nature that are both negative and positive, but that it's amazing to be able to experience this existence. It wouldn't be anywhere near as fantastic without the good as well as the bad. The world is a place of beauty. The veins in the leaves, the smell of grass after being trimmed, the chirping of birds that begins minutes before your alarm, pulling you gently out of your dream world into a world that has the potential of being just as fantastical. It's truly all about perspective, about consciously (at first) deciding to look at everything in the positive. Living in the constant state of negativity must be exhausting.

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