Saturday, December 22, 2012


Some are careful about handing this out. Others are less critical and end up getting hurt. At times though all of us give our trust without knowing why. We have some kind of connection with someone that just takes our trust without us necessarily even realizing it at first. We start spilling personal experiences, tell theories and ideas that we normally keep to ourselves, letting them see us when we're vulnerable, letting go when we're with them because for some reason we just know nothing bad will happen. With these people though, when we do realize how easily they received our trust it can be unnerving. How did they slip by? How little we know about this individual and yet we've entrusted so much. Given so much of ourselves when we really don't know them that well at all. At this point though there is not much to be done, other than hope that they are in fact trustworthy. That what was given them is kept safe.

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